
Monday, December 28, 2015

Funky New Art Space!

Today is a good day! We are celebrating the 9 week birthday of The Funky Farmhouse and are so pleased with how things have been going! ( ) It's been a fun and creative adventure and dream come true.

We also offer fun art classes but have been very limited with SPACE. I started peering out the window at the building next door... wondering...

Well as of today we are moving forward with this new space right next to our fun little shop! I'm psyched about all the art and inspiration for all the local creatives! One of my great joys in life is creating with others, so this is so exciting!

Art classes start up again mid January in the new building! 

~Let's make everything beautiful


Monday, June 15, 2015

The Funky Farmhouse adventure!

What happens when you combine a very funky old farmhouse and a way cool furniture/gift/coffeeshop with
art classes and gallery? Our awesome new business here in Crossville! Think - STUFF, pretty things, art, antiques and lots of it! Stay tuned :)

Let's make everything beautiful.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Art all around.

Everyday I am in awe of the beauty of this place. Spring in Tennessee is absolutely gorgeous! From the blooming dogwoods, the full creeks, the neon green mountainsides, to the smells of fresh cut grass and turned over gardens, I am once again in love with it all.

We are still in the RV and not set up to do much art, but there is ART all around me! Everything is a painting, a masterpiece. Now, I am trying to be patient, even though there are creative idea's bursting out of me. Soon...


Sunday, April 19, 2015

What's been goin on?

You're probably wondering why I used this photo of my hubby's throbbing toe... I'll get to that later. 

There is so much to catch up on! For starters, we've gone country. Most of you know Joe and I have moved to Tennessee. We are on a radical plan to SIMPLIFY. We are drastically reducing our debt by scaling down to a small home, which is being built right now on our few beautiful acres. 

We are psyched to wake up to the beauty, quiet and solace of this place everyday. Grow a garden, listen to nature, enjoy a walk down a country road, watch the sunset. 

So, that is all going to be great. It's the part leading up to it that hasn't been so peaceful!

We are staying in the RV until the house is ready, and that has proven to bring some challenges we didn't expect. Getting the RV stuck several times in the mud here at our propery, with someone elses truck, was a stressful day to say the least. I prayed and a neighbor showed up with a tractor and pulled us out.

Then there was the fact that the washer and dryer stopped working and there are no repairmen willing to come out to us. (we sold our tow vehicle!) We have been having to go to the laundry mat, and use friends machines to do our laundry. I thought, oh no big deal. We can live without laundry for a few months...

Then came the next challenge. The A/C unit over our bed got a cracked cover and leaked cold water all over us in bed. I had to climb the RV ladder to tape plastic on there until a repairman makes it out to our place, which seems to be never. The challenge was belly-crawling under the live electric wire, lol!

OK, I can deal with these issues. I am strong and resilient! But then, we realized it would be a big expense to hook up the RV to the new septic system here on the property, so we decided not to do it. Instead, we got the brilliant idea to get a porta-potty! Joe seems excited to use his new throne.

I spoke to my inner self... Now this is kinda like using an outhouse, but a tad more civilized. So I thought. Then I realized I didn't want to go outside in the middle of the night with the coyotes and snakes to use it! So we put this bucket in the bathroom for night visits. It's painful and uncomfortable on the delicate bum, but I can suck it up and deal with it, I guess. lol!

Just when I thought all the modern conveniences that bring dignity had been stripped away from us, the RV shower leaked all over the kitchen and can't be used until the mystery ghost repairman can get out here... so, I had to shower outside before church this morning, in the cold rain, in my nighty so as not to alarm any animal that may pass by lol. Oh Lord help me. This is where I finally had a good cry :) BUT, I am thankful, still.

Back to hubby's toe...
Living in the country you have to do farm projects. Us city folk are outside our comfort zone doing these tasks... but we are learning. 

We had to build a mailbox and a pen for our dogs. then move two giant dog houses into the pen. Joe muscled them in there like a champ, but smashed his toe in the process. He gets a bit cranky doing these farm man things, but I am proud of him for overcoming and getting them done! He is the love of my life.

I'm looking forward to getting settled in our home and leaving these obstacles behind ha! We have some funny memories now and I'm glad we can laugh. We are intrepid... we carry on.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Me n' Righty

Sitting here thinking about why I've had an unfinished painting on my easel for about a month and I realized something.... My left brain took over! My right brain (who I call Righty) was in glorious control for several months until the hostile hemisphere takeover happened. I was joyously creating art and thinking about it all the time! What happened?

I think I know the culprit. I got all business-y and had to learn accounting software!! Now for me, anything having to do with numbers is pretty much taboo - like voodoo witchcraft - I avoid it. But for the greater good of our family I had to get organized. Sacrificing all that is colorful and messy for the neat and tidy columns and rowsof a spreadsheet! Stretching and stimulating my left brain - obviously made it more confident and powerful - bullying me and Righty into submission.

Have you ever had a time when the busy-ness of life took over and art was the farthest thing from your mind? How did you come out of it? I guess it's normal. We are all going 90 miles an hour trying to manage our lives. But how to keep a balance and keep creativity alive?

Today I thought of a few ways to get things moving...

Look at your favorite artists art!! (One of my favorite artists: Laurie Justus Pace - check out her website if you want to see beautiful art on canvas: She also has a wonderful blog:
Just looking at the art she creates almost brings me to tears - I don't know why it just moves me that way. Looking at the art of others can open up your mind to start something great.

Clean up your art space. Get all your creative things out and organize them. It might inspire you to start a project. Maybe buy something new? A new color, a new type of bead? New stuff is inspiring! I always think of being a kid and starting school each year with new binders, pens, markers and pencils. I was always SO ready to do my homework and use my new stuff! This enthusiasm didn't last long, lol, but it was a good beginning.

Music! Put on some of your favorite tunes or listen to something completely different?

Hang out with your creative friends. There's nothing like having a cup of coffee with artist friends to talk over projects! This gets my creative juices flowing. Is it because I get jealous? Maybe  ;)

Pray. Sounds kinda weird to some I know. But for me - I know God is in control of my creativity and my every project. Does God really care about art? I believe so! I believe it's a gift from Him.

Luke 12 : 6-7"Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

The way I see it - if God cares enough to count each hair on my head - then he cares about what I'm doing all day, everyday. Every thought, Every action.

Here's hoping your right brain is in control today!
I'm still wrestling spreadsheets but I know Righty and I will have victory in the end!

Happy art day! (everyday is art day)



This new painting is titled: "Awakening"

My daughter unknowingly named this piece for me. So often in my creative journey, after a period of creative drought, I feel like I'm coming out of the dark, and into a new season... awakening. I'm not sure why it turns on and off for me? I wonder to myself, is this normal for all artists? Everytime there is a hiccup in life - the color shuts off. All energies go into handling the problem and there is no time left to make art.

But it is always exciting to start anew because its a JOY to create! :) I am excited about the days to come and cherish every moment I'm alive. I cherish each moment with my loved ones. These are the things in life that matter. I'm working on focusing on the blessings, the precious moments. The art will come out when the time is right.

I loved doing this piece and hope to do more like it! Picking up that brush and sliding the paint on the canvas felt like a visit with an old friend.


It's a New Day!

As I was creating this piece I was reflecting on the difficult months prior, and how important it is that a NEW DAY begins in this 2015. Having lost my mom, a family business, a beloved cat, even some health issues, 2014 wasn't exactly my best year! But I know - God's mercies are new each day - and I am counting on it!

I feel like this starting of a new chapter is going to be so refreshing. I am ready to create! I am ready to let His light shine into my life.

If 2014 wasn't your best year, or even if it was great! I pray that 2015 is filled with light and promise for you! May you feel blessed in every area of your life. I hope you feel encouraged to work on your art and enjoy the process.

Happily creating!


No Art Supplies!

Well our ONE week trip to Tennessee has turned into THREE weeks!
Besides having to wear a weeks wardrobe over and over, (I'm hoping no one notices ;)I find myself wishing I had brought some art stuff to work on. OH how I miss my projects!

So what do I do in the meantime?

I try to enjoy each experience... the woods in Tennessee, the friends, the smells, sights, sounds... like the whiporwhil I heard singing away early this morning. The deer grazing freely in the woods.

I take long walks by the lake... and float around in my little boat.

I Facetime with my precious girls.

And I do a lot of this....

Sometimes being creative isn't just about producing art... it's experiencing the creativity of daily life with a grateful heart. Each moment God gives us is a work of art.

We just love the country...

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Love, Jess

Blooming Artists

Something beautiful has been happening all around me...


When I created this "bloom" piece, I had no idea how many friends I would get to watch do that very thing. People are starting to try art, do art, call themselves artists, show their art, and love it!


'm getting texts and pics of their new creations, and this brings me so much joy! (unless it's in the middle of the night people!) ;)


They hang out with me and create... Above is my niece Lilly. We have cherished our art time together since she was 2. She used to ask me where her watercolors were everytime I saw her :)


And, of course, our grand daughter is taking to art naturally. Even holds her tools with those toes ;)

Kate's mom in law, Jean, has been joining in on all the fun.


My sis-in-love Jenny is now an artist as well. It brightens my day to see a pic with her new creation!


And yes, she is a bit crazy, but that adds to the artistic "flair" lol!



And Michelle who is like a sister, and partner in crime to me. (singing: we have only just begun...)


Who created these pieces even while tackling her Environmental Management Degree. So proud of her!


Michelle's gorgeous art.



And last but not least, my amazing daughter Kate who has created more beautiful art than I could have ever imagined over the years. Some of my favorite memories are of the two of us painting together. Below are just a few of the amazing pieces by her... you can check out more of her art at


I love to see budding artists have the courage to step out and try something they have always wanted to do! And, I love meeting artists who encourage and challenge others to step into the art arena. Let's not keep it all to ourselves... release it, and share the wonder and joy of creating with others!

I'd like to showcase new artists here regularly. If you create something, send it to me and I'll show it to the small world of my blog readers :)

Happily creating,


Maya Angelou


Such an inspirational woman.

Thank you for giving courage, wisdom and perspective for so many years.


Creative little helpers!

Starting to paint can be intimidating, especially if you aren't comfortable with the technical challenge of drawing. I have found lots of little helpers, things that helped me grow as an artist. Lately some even cooler things have come out then when I started doing art 20 years ago.
Like these pre-printed canvases! I found them at Michaels Craft Store.
These can be for kids, or for anyone who isn't comfortable with drawing, yet would like to try painting.



Keep it simple. As I've mentioned in previous blogs: Find in nature, or in your environment something that inspires you. It can be as simple as a leaf, or a sea shell, or a little nik-nak, and create something from that image. One thing I highly recommend is NOT searching the web too much to see what other people are doing. Let it be something that comes from you.


Jerry's Artarama is a great place to order art supplies online. They always have sales too! You can get these cool paint sets and any other art/craft supply you can think of! You can sometimes get deals on whole beginner sets like this:


 There are a number of websites and youtube video's that teach drawing and painting, mixed media skills as well. Go snooping around and see what you can find that will be a little helper :) Most of all - JUST PLAY. Art is PLAY, it's not defined by any standard, it's all about what is in you that wants to come out!

