
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Me n' Righty

Sitting here thinking about why I've had an unfinished painting on my easel for about a month and I realized something.... My left brain took over! My right brain (who I call Righty) was in glorious control for several months until the hostile hemisphere takeover happened. I was joyously creating art and thinking about it all the time! What happened?

I think I know the culprit. I got all business-y and had to learn accounting software!! Now for me, anything having to do with numbers is pretty much taboo - like voodoo witchcraft - I avoid it. But for the greater good of our family I had to get organized. Sacrificing all that is colorful and messy for the neat and tidy columns and rowsof a spreadsheet! Stretching and stimulating my left brain - obviously made it more confident and powerful - bullying me and Righty into submission.

Have you ever had a time when the busy-ness of life took over and art was the farthest thing from your mind? How did you come out of it? I guess it's normal. We are all going 90 miles an hour trying to manage our lives. But how to keep a balance and keep creativity alive?

Today I thought of a few ways to get things moving...

Look at your favorite artists art!! (One of my favorite artists: Laurie Justus Pace - check out her website if you want to see beautiful art on canvas: She also has a wonderful blog:
Just looking at the art she creates almost brings me to tears - I don't know why it just moves me that way. Looking at the art of others can open up your mind to start something great.

Clean up your art space. Get all your creative things out and organize them. It might inspire you to start a project. Maybe buy something new? A new color, a new type of bead? New stuff is inspiring! I always think of being a kid and starting school each year with new binders, pens, markers and pencils. I was always SO ready to do my homework and use my new stuff! This enthusiasm didn't last long, lol, but it was a good beginning.

Music! Put on some of your favorite tunes or listen to something completely different?

Hang out with your creative friends. There's nothing like having a cup of coffee with artist friends to talk over projects! This gets my creative juices flowing. Is it because I get jealous? Maybe  ;)

Pray. Sounds kinda weird to some I know. But for me - I know God is in control of my creativity and my every project. Does God really care about art? I believe so! I believe it's a gift from Him.

Luke 12 : 6-7"Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

The way I see it - if God cares enough to count each hair on my head - then he cares about what I'm doing all day, everyday. Every thought, Every action.

Here's hoping your right brain is in control today!
I'm still wrestling spreadsheets but I know Righty and I will have victory in the end!

Happy art day! (everyday is art day)

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