
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Creative little helpers!

Starting to paint can be intimidating, especially if you aren't comfortable with the technical challenge of drawing. I have found lots of little helpers, things that helped me grow as an artist. Lately some even cooler things have come out then when I started doing art 20 years ago.
Like these pre-printed canvases! I found them at Michaels Craft Store.
These can be for kids, or for anyone who isn't comfortable with drawing, yet would like to try painting.



Keep it simple. As I've mentioned in previous blogs: Find in nature, or in your environment something that inspires you. It can be as simple as a leaf, or a sea shell, or a little nik-nak, and create something from that image. One thing I highly recommend is NOT searching the web too much to see what other people are doing. Let it be something that comes from you.


Jerry's Artarama is a great place to order art supplies online. They always have sales too! You can get these cool paint sets and any other art/craft supply you can think of! You can sometimes get deals on whole beginner sets like this:


 There are a number of websites and youtube video's that teach drawing and painting, mixed media skills as well. Go snooping around and see what you can find that will be a little helper :) Most of all - JUST PLAY. Art is PLAY, it's not defined by any standard, it's all about what is in you that wants to come out!



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