You're probably wondering why I used this photo of my hubby's throbbing toe... I'll get to that later.
There is so much to catch up on! For starters, we've gone country. Most of you know Joe and I have moved to Tennessee. We are on a radical plan to SIMPLIFY. We are drastically reducing our debt by scaling down to a small home, which is being built right now on our few beautiful acres.
We are psyched to wake up to the beauty, quiet and solace of this place everyday. Grow a garden, listen to nature, enjoy a walk down a country road, watch the sunset.
So, that is all going to be great. It's the part leading up to it that hasn't been so peaceful!
We are staying in the RV until the house is ready, and that has proven to bring some challenges we didn't expect. Getting the RV stuck several times in the mud here at our propery, with someone elses truck, was a stressful day to say the least. I prayed and a neighbor showed up with a tractor and pulled us out.
Then there was the fact that the washer and dryer stopped working and there are no repairmen willing to come out to us. (we sold our tow vehicle!) We have been having to go to the laundry mat, and use friends machines to do our laundry. I thought, oh no big deal. We can live without laundry for a few months...
Then came the next challenge. The A/C unit over our bed got a cracked cover and leaked cold water all over us in bed. I had to climb the RV ladder to tape plastic on there until a repairman makes it out to our place, which seems to be never. The challenge was belly-crawling under the live electric wire, lol!
OK, I can deal with these issues. I am strong and resilient! But then, we realized it would be a big expense to hook up the RV to the new septic system here on the property, so we decided not to do it. Instead, we got the brilliant idea to get a porta-potty! Joe seems excited to use his new throne.
I spoke to my inner self... Now this is kinda like using an outhouse, but a tad more civilized. So I thought. Then I realized I didn't want to go outside in the middle of the night with the coyotes and snakes to use it! So we put this bucket in the bathroom for night visits. It's painful and uncomfortable on the delicate bum, but I can suck it up and deal with it, I guess. lol!
Just when I thought all the modern conveniences that bring dignity had been stripped away from us, the RV shower leaked all over the kitchen and can't be used until the mystery ghost repairman can get out here... so, I had to shower outside before church this morning, in the cold rain, in my nighty so as not to alarm any animal that may pass by lol. Oh Lord help me. This is where I finally had a good cry :) BUT, I am thankful, still.
Back to hubby's toe...
Living in the country you have to do farm projects. Us city folk are outside our comfort zone doing these tasks... but we are learning.
We had to build a mailbox and a pen for our dogs. then move two giant dog houses into the pen. Joe muscled them in there like a champ, but smashed his toe in the process. He gets a bit cranky doing these farm man things, but I am proud of him for overcoming and getting them done! He is the love of my life.
I'm looking forward to getting settled in our home and leaving these obstacles behind ha! We have some funny memories now and I'm glad we can laugh. We are intrepid... we carry on.