
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Art on a pizza box!

Doing art in the RV can be a challenge! The space is so small. If it's rainy outside I have to work in the tiny space and try super hard not to make a mess or ruin the carpet! (Like I did in my art studio at home :/ Some have said if you lift the rug in my studio it looks like I'm covering up a murder, due to the streak of bright red blood colored paint across the carpet.)

I usually work on an easel or table but here in the RV I prefer to spread out on the floor and work on a pizza box. First you have to eat a large pizza, which we did with no problem. Then open it up, line it with newspaper and ta-da! Instant art table.
My legs get a little cramped working like this but I battle through and make sure to get up often and stretch. It's like a quirky yoga position!



I was in the mood to create some colorful turtles...




At least I have the fake fireplace to keep me warm :)


My RV art gallery.

So, whatever space you have to work in... small apartment, garage, spare room, closet... just know if it's bigger than a pizza box it's like a mansion to me!

Happily creating, hope you are too!


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