
Saturday, April 18, 2015



One of my favorite little craft projects is to paint colorful gourds.

You can buy gourds at several places online. My favorite suppliers are: They have a great variety and all the gourds I have ordered are very good quality. There are several different types of gourds you can buy, and a quick search of the web can inspire many projects from bird houses to home decor. The amish website has many books on the subject.


The gourd I created above was painted and layered with leather dye. It's messy but I like the outcome! You layer in the colors over and over (let it drip for a cool effect!) to get the desired effect. Each bottle of dye comes with a little round brush for applying the dye. Note: make sure to wear old clothes and cover your workspace well because the dye will color any surface it touches. I do my dye work in a tray when possible.



Here are some gourd projects I found online that are inspiring!



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