Keep it Simple!
Have you ever gone out and bought a canvas, paint and brushes with the intention of creating something, then it sits there and doesn't get used because you have no idea what to paint or where to start? The same can be true with other forms of creativity - you just get stuck!
I'll often reference childhood art, because for me, it helps to go back to the beginning. Most kids don't have "creative barriers" they just go for it! They can't wait to bring it home to have it displayed on the fridge gallery for all to see because they know it's fabulous! I've learned it helps me go back to the simplicity of making art.
Try going back to the beginning. Feel the joy of using any color you want without limitations. Use your hands... enjoy the experience of just putting paint on canvas. The way it feels to mix colors and make simple lines and shapes. How does it feel to glob paint on a brush and run it across the canvas. What colors do you love to use the most? Keep all thoughts of what people will think of it, wasting supplies, or how it will turn out out of your mind... just enjoy the experience. The rest will come later.
For me, doing these simple exercises "unlocks" the door to making art. I did this several times before an actual image appeared on the canvas. Give it a try and see if it inspires you to keep going?
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